Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Vocab: 15 words

Arterial-moderate or high-capacity road which is immediately below a highway level of service

Egress-electrical cable with an inner conductor surrounded by a tubular insulating layer typically of a flexible material with a high dielectric constant, all of which are surrounded by a conductive layer called the shield

Feeder-built into a metal casting mold to prevent due to shrinkage

Ingress-right to enter a tract of land

Transit Line-a line providing public transit

Bench Mark-surveyor's mark on a permanent object of predetermined position and elevation used as a reference point

Delta Angle (∆)-angle using the delta point

Degree of Curve (D)-degree of point to a curved motion

Horizontal Alignment-combination of tangents, horizontal curves and spirals which defines the horizontal location of a roadway

Radius (R)-length of a line segment between the center and circumference of a circle or sphere

Tangent Line-point of contact (tangency) between the cylinder and the knuckle portion of the vessel head

Vertical Alignment-combination of tangent grades and vertical curves which defines the vertical location of a roadway

Vertical Curve (VC)-vetical axis point of a curved plot

Point of Tangency (PT)-point where tangent intersects

End Vertical Curve (EVC)-vertical curved points end

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