Monday, January 25, 2010

Lake House Questions

1. As a designer, in what ways did you try to influence your client?
Telling him the things that i knew i was capable of making so he didnt give me something that i was unsure of designing.

2. How did making the sketches when working with your client help the design process?
It helped by giving me a good layout of what i was going to design and the steps i would take in needing to create it.

3. What relationship do the various drawings and renderings have to each other?
They all give a different view or design of the lake house.

4. How did the existing plot plan limit your design?
I couldn't add everything the client wanted because of the lake house being 500 square feet.

5. What are some of the things you would do differently? How would you change the process to accomplish them?
I would of probly added more to the rooms of the house, maybe more furniture. By adding the features while constructing the room.

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